About Us
What happens when a passionate retailer with thirty years experience in the fashion, accessories and homewares industry, (spanning both sides of the world) collides with a woman half of her age who happens to have been born with an incredible passion for women's fashion, branding, marketing and luxury??
We'll tell you...
Meet Me At The Manor is born from a yearning, a desire (and trust us, incredible amounts of hard work) and from a call to action, to provide the universe with a decadent assortment of fluffy luxury sprinkled here and there with magical embellishment.
We solemnly promise to ensure, that the wearers of our fluffy luxury products not only look incredible, but feel utterly fabulous (even from the comfort and warmth of your home!)
So, don't delay, step into the indulgent delights of Meet Me At The Manor, treat your tootsies to some seriously soft and fluffy slippers and let your heart fall in love with our exclusive range of removable (yes you can use them on your favourite jacket aswell!) embellished brooches..
(Seriously though, they are pretty cool!)
We thank you for passing by and look forward to sharing a snippet of our sparkly world with you!